​Integration with PrestaShop

User Guide / Integrations / ​Integration with PrestaShop
Changed: 08.10.2023 19:58

Integration e-Cont.md with PrestaShop

Depending on the features of the template, there are two ways to install the e-Cont.md widget code on PrestaShop CMS:

Method 1. Installation using the module.

You must first download the module from the link - https://docs.e-cont.md/en/download-prestashop

(if the download does not occur on click, copy the link to the address bar in a new tab).

Go to your PrestaShop control panel, select the "Modules / Modules and Services" menu and click on the "Upload Module" button.

In the window that opens, select the module file (the archive you downloaded) and upload it.

Find e-Cont.md in the list of modules and click "Install" to install the module.

In the window that opens, click "Proceed with the installation".

Then, in the module configuration window, connect an existing e-Cont.md account, if you don't have one yet, you can create it on the same screen and connect it immediately to your site.

Save the changes "Update (Save)" Done!

*If the window did not open automatically, then it can be called by clicking on the “Configure” button in the list of modules, in the e-cont-md module

Method 2. Installing the code via FTP

Go to your personal account acturare.md, section "Management" -> Communication channels -> Settings under the site name -> Installation and copy the code.

Next, you need to go to the hosting of your site, or connect to the hosting via an FTP client and go to the directory: main folder/themes/name of your template/header.tpl

Open the header.tpl file in editor mode and paste the widget code before the closing </head> tag, save the changes.


Integration with Prestashop - Information for developers