Invoice Object - API

API reference / invoicing / Invoice Object
Changed: 08.04.2023 02:55

Account/Order Object

id integer "External" invoice/order ID from your accounting system.
Used by your accounting system as a unique order number in the database.
order_number string "External" invoice/order number from your accounting system.
Used for human-friendly representation of the order number.
amount decimal Total invoice/order amount (Total) in the currency of order
currency string Three-letter currency code, according to ISO 4217
date_created datetime Date and time of invoice/order creation in the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
status string Order status from your accounting system. Default "pending"
customer_note string Buyer's comment on the invoice/order. Usually used when placing an order on the seller's website.
billing object JSON object defining contacts with the payer. See table below.

Customer Object

id integer Internal payer ID in your accounting system.
In the current version of the API, it is ignored.
company string Name of the payer's company (empty if the payer is an individual).
idno string Fiscal code of the payer of a legal entity (empty if the payer is an individual).
idnp string Fiscal code of the payer of an individual (empty if the payer is a legal entity).
first_name string Payer's contact name.
last_name string Surname of the contact person of the payer.
address_1 string Payer's main address (street, house, etc.).
address_2 string Additional address of the payer (entrance, floor, office/apartment).
city string City/Town
postcode string Postcode
country string Two-letter country code, according to ISO 3166-1
email string Payer's email address. Required parameter. An invoice will be sent to this address.
phone string Payer's contact number.

JSON example of invoice/order representation:

  "order": {
    "id": 4365,
    "order_number": "Order #4365",
    "amount": "554.30",
    "currency": "MDL",
    "date_created": "2022-11-22 13:30:52",
    "status": "pending",
    "customer_note": "Notes from customer...",
    "billing": {
      "id": 12345,
      "company": "MyCompany",
      "idno": "675546554343",
      "idnp": "",
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "address_1": "Stefan cel Mare 180",
      "address_2": "Floor 3",
      "city": "Chisinau",
      "postcode": "MD2001",
      "country": "MD",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "+37379123456"